Be it through the eyes of artists or snippets from ordinary people, postcards of the 20th century open a window to the past. was launched in 2022 to preserve these unique historical vistas. We strive to present the postcards within highly curated expositions that tell singular stories, with a clean interface and no distractions.

The entire project runs on the time and effort of a one-man team, trying to provide regular weekly updates. Please consider supporting our project. Every bit allows us to devote additional resources to the cause and serve you with more history. There are various ways to contribute.

You can subscribe to our Patreon (and score monthly vintage postcards along the way!) or directly donate through PayPal.

Perhaps you have postcards that would enrich our exhibitions, or some just lying around that you do not know what to do with? Get in touch with us.

Contact us also if you have any, however miscellaneous, information to add or if you notice a mistake on the website. You can follow us on X / Twitter, too.

And, simply, share the website!